Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hello 2011! Adios 2010!

Happy New Year!!! I hope it's not too late to wish that. As always, I have no New Year's resolution. I can't make up my mind on what to expect or what to achieve this year and in all the previous years. I'll figure it out later.

I want to talk about my 2010. I would say that it has been good to me. I have been close friends with some boys at work. We even have a name for our group (we're still kids at heart, forgive us please). Work has been interesting. It might have been a little bit too tasking at time, but I can't complain (wait, I think I did complain a lot, so to the people who had to listen, thank you. Your patience was extraordinary.)

I travelled a bit as well. Went here and there. Had some fun of course. If I have the time, I'll write more about them in the future. I am just too lazy to dig out the photos or trying to remember the details. Yes, I AM that lazy.

2010 is also about dealing with losses. My good friend's father had passed away. By the end of 2010, my girlfriend's dad passed away as well. My sincerest condolences go to them, and all the others who have to deal with the pain of losing their loved ones. I did remember saying to my girlfriend that death is about celebrating the person's life and all the good things in it. I wish and I hope that I have been strong enough for her. Al-Fatihah to Daud Abu Kassim. He is in a better place now.

By the way, March 2010 was a significant point in my life. I'll try my very best to make everything worthwhile. I promise.

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